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The Tackle Box

Feel the different


Perfect Stability

Thanks to catamaran boat construction instead of V-shape bottom as usually boats have, all our catamarans have unbeatable stability on water. Two tubes and flat bottom allow to walk freely on boats without any chance to flip the boat. Doesnt matter if you stay on front, bottom on back, boat sit still on water and you dont have to think about your position on boat, you can fully focus on what you are doing.


Maneuverability and speed

Big different between Fishmaster catamarans and other boats is also maneuverability and top speed. Thanks to construction of boats you dont need keel tube in the middle because two straight boat tubes work as two keels which allow you to very easily steer you boat. Boat is reaction immediately to change of direction and its so easy to keep your lines straight when you are fishing. Catamaran boats are not pushing water in front of them like V-shaped boats doesnt but they are sitting on top which highly increase top speed of boats.


Easy to set up

Boats are very easy to set up because of their shape. All you need to do is put your floor in boat, with half inflated tubes, put in the side profiles, and fully inflate. And process of packing is exactly the same. Just deflate, take out and you are ready to go home. Because is so easy to inflate and deflate your boat, its also much easier to clean your boat when you are done and it will enlarge operating life of your boat. You dont need to fight with your floor anymore, spend a lot of time with setting up your boat, with Fishmaster catamarans its easy & fast.


Save your battery

Doenst matter if you are using electric motor or petrol outboard, with Fishmaster catamarans your consumption will be so much lower. Construction of our catamaran boats allow you to save approximately 30% of your battery or fuel. In comparison during World Carp Classic, 5 days fishing event, anglers use in average 5 acid batteries. With our boats, amount of batteries was lowered to 3. It means that you can spend more time on water when you are using electric motor, it saves you also finances for fuel if you are using petrol.


Increased safety

Even in bad weather, strong wind and high waves, catamaran boats are very safe thanks to their construction. When our boats are hitting the wave, instead of going into the wave and crushing through it , catamarans are going up on the wave and jump on the top. Another great feature is air tunnel in the middle of boat. In strong wind, air is going into tunnel and just passed the boat. Thanks to this, chance of flipping the boat by strong wind is eliminated. Combination of these construction advantages and bigger tubes Fishmaster catamarans are ideal to use also in bad weather conditions.


Best Services

Jochym Marine offers to all customer warranty and also after warranty services directly in Europe, in Jochym Marine company in Slovakia. Even when you have any problem with your boat you can be sure that your problem will be fixed very fast and boat will be transported back to customer within few days. Professional services of Jochym Marine are here for all customer during warranty and also after it.

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Jochym Marine boats are developed together with professional anglers to provide everything what angler need during fishing. As a company we care very deeply for our customers needs that's why we


After more than 15 years of developing and servicing inflatable boats for which Jochym Marine have been trained and certified in UK we would like to share most important information with all our


After WCC 2016 in Czech Republic, WCC 2017 in France, Jochym Marine was also a part of World Carp Classic 2018 on Lac de Madine. It was very special year because it was 20 anniversary of this


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Jochym Marine

Kollárova 631/6, 01401 Bytča

Slovak republic

Email: info@jochymmarine.com

Phone: +421 (0) 948 968 877