Boat Changes 2018
As a developer of our catamaran boats we are constantly working on changes, new features and every year we would like to bring something new for our customers. Because of very close contact between us and fishermen we are able to bring ideas directly from lakes and rivers from all around the world through anglers who are using our boats to our workshop. And 2018 wasn't different.
In this year we brought to the market new boat models with new changes. First of all we changed shape of end cones of our boats. New end cones are now rounded and though this change we ve been able to add another 20cm of inside space to each of our boat models. Inside space is very important for us but most of all for anglers who are using our boats. Even on our smallest model 220, inside space is large enough to transport lot of gear for fishing trips but also this small boat offer enough space for fishermen during fishing. We re very proud that we ve been able to change myth that 220 boat is just too small and even our smallest model can offer to angler everything he need for transport and fishing. But also Fishmaster 300 and 350 are now bigger and have more space.
Another big change was changing a seat system. On our Fishmaster 220 and Fishmaster 300 and soon also for Fishmaster 350 you can find seat developed by Jochym Marine and its only seat system which offer to angler much more comfort. Our seat is now placed on the top of the tubes, which is significant change because when angler is sitting on it, legs don't have to be crouched, seat is nearly 10cm higher and it reduced stress for legs after long time of sitting as it was with seat system which most of the boats are using. Another advantage is pressure change. With classic seat system in the middle of the tubes, all pressure from weight of angler was in the middle of the boat and because of that, boat was consuming much more electricity/fuel and was moving much slower. With our new seat system pressure is directly on tubes not in the middle of the boat.
We also add two new colours which is dark camouflage and olive green so from 2018 customer can choose from two colours and three types of floor. Plywood, Aluminum and Inflatable.
We are very happy with changes we made and we are already working on new changes and features for our boats for 2019. Boat developing always was passion for Jochym Marine and together with anglers we will keep on improving every year because our goal always was to bring the best product with highest quality and perfect services for all our customers.